The Technology Advisory Board (TAB) serves to:
- Advise the Office of Innovative Technologies on implementation and expenditure of student fees for technology
- Develop and monitor technology guidelines
- Solicit input from campus constituencies
- Monitor progress of collections/expenditures
- Review technology trends and their impact on UTK’s plan
The meeting year of the Technology Advisory Board, and all its related committees, runs from September to April. Meetings are held during the months of September, October, November, January, February, March and April.
- Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by one or both co-chairs.
- By a simple majority, the Board at any time may authorize a change in the time and place of its meetings.
- Items of business and agendas shall be distributed to the members, or posted on the appropriate site on the OIT web page, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date.
- New business may be brought before the Board at any meeting, as part of the agenda item for new business, but full discussion may be delayed until the following meeting.
Items of business, other than changes in the by-laws, shall be approved by a majority of members present.
- Minutes of all meetings shall be kept, and published within a reasonable amount of time after the meeting.
- An archive of the meeting minutes is maintained at https://techfee.utk.edu/Pages/minutes.aspx
- There shall be a standing committee on technology and strategic planning.
- Ad hoc committees may be created at the discretion of the Board.
- Membership for all committees shall be selected from regular and ex officio members of the Board.
- Following consultation with the Board, the co-chairs shall appoint the chairpersons of each committee.
- A slate of membership for each committee shall be prepared by the committee chair(s). The slate will be presented to the Board co-chairs in September, for approval by the Board in October.
- Committee membership will be between three and five members, except if the Board authorizes an increase in a committee membership.
- Each committee shall have a student representative.
- The length of committee membership shall be one year, renewable, or until the dissolution of the committee.
- Members of the university community may be added to the committee, at the request of the committee chair, and with the approval of the Board.
Parliamentary Authority
- The parliamentary authority for the Technology Advisory Board is defined in these bylaws.
- For parliamentary procedures not defined in the bylaws, the Board shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Consideration of changes in the bylaws of the Technology Advisory Board may be brought before the Board at any time on a motion duly made, seconded, and passed by a majority of the voting members present.
- The specific proposal to amend the bylaws shall be considered at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, provided that the motion has been circulated to the membership at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.
- A favorable vote by at least two-thirds of the voting members present at the meeting is necessary to effect a change in these bylaws.